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Resume Refresh Webinar Recap

Nearly 60% of employers spend 11 seconds or less on a resume. Does your resume make a good impression in 11 seconds? We hosted a webinar with recruiters from our Account Management Team, Ema Adams and Maggie McDonald, on crafting the perfect resume. Check out their top tips for refreshing your resume and positioning yourself for success.

  1. Keep your resume clean. Whichever design or template you use, ensure that there is consistency in headings and fonts throughout your resume.
  2. Be mindful of length. If a past job doesn’t relate to the role you are applying for, leave it off the resume. If you are just starting out in your career, write a cover letter expanding on your experience and explaining why you would be a good fit for the role.
  3. Customize your resume using the job description. Pull keywords from the job description into your work history sections to show that your experience is relevant and that you are a great fit for the role.
  4. Write a resume that plays to your strengths. Provide specific examples of how you provided value and drove results for past organizations. Quantifying your achievements is a great way to make your resume stand out.
  5. You are your brand. If you are applying for a creative role, create a cohesive design across your resume, portfolio, and cover letter.

Curious how to present your resume in an interview? Catch the rest of the webinar here. Looking for your next job? Reach out to our team to find your next career opportunity.